7. Apply at every opportunity

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7. Apply at every opportunity. Enforce NMETL application throughout the Navy and the Sea Enterprise.

Because the NMETL is so adaptable to business processes, systems thinking, and terminology, we can apply this transformational continuous improvement “engine” for evidence-based management in many more areas than Fleet training. All our organizations and forces- be they operating or sustaining- at every level across the Navy chain of command or Navy Enterprise can employ the NMETL framework to describe their functions and develop mission performance standards. From the standards, tied to essential task performance, we can arrive at metrics that matter by integrating NMETL standards across organizations. Moreover, because each NMET includes conditions, when conditions change, we can predict adjustments, shortfalls, or excesses.

Three more potential applications:

A Navy Operations Analysis System (NOAS), or Navy Capabilities Development System (NCDS) or Navy Readiness Enterprise System (NRES) could also be mapped to the four phased continuous process improvement engine of the NWTS[21] to propel the new Navy Enterprise to efficient excellence! A Title 10 core NMETL across the force would be a great start!

When all Naval operations and programs align to the NMETL and the four-phased improvement process, we will be better equipped to measure, assess, and sustain continuous mission performance improvement. CNO and other Navy leaders must fully appreciate the value and potential of NMETLs. Here are just a few ideas with which various Navy organizations could begin their reach for NMETL Advocacy:

OPNAV Program sponsors and NAVSEA, NAVAIR and SYSCOMS. OPNAV, as well as NAVSEA, NAVAIR and the other SYSCOMS must employ the NMETL construct in defining new systems and platforms. Using the mission analysis process- called Functional Area Analysis (FAA) in JCIDS “Capability-based Assessments”- tasks are enumerated, conditions defined, and performance standards set. The task set performed by destroyers over the years has probably not changed much, but the systems available and the TTP have improved dramatically. For future system design, such as the LCS, building on the strengths of the DD/LSD/SMCM NMETLs can help NAVSEA articulate the requirements for the systems employed by the vessel

Commander Naval Installations Command. CNIC organization NMETLs connected to the Fleet via “Command-linked” and “Supporting” tasks will enable a fully adaptable and responsive Operational Readiness System across the Naval Enterprise. CNIC and all of the installations and infrastructure support elements are employing the NMETL construct to adapt their Core Business Models. In fact, CNIC is leading the way in applying proven business practices in other venues. As the NMETL becomes more universal in expressing mission requirements, we can more clearly express and value the support required to run Naval facilities and provide the services the Fleet requires for success. As NAVSTAs begin to report and analyze how efficiently and effectively they enabled ships getting underway, or hooked up shore services, or even provided Daycare centers, we can demonstrate how those contributions add value to Fleet Readiness.

NAVNETWARCOM- and its successor- NAVY CYCBERCOM. As the integrator and developer of FORCEnet, NAVNETWARCOM (NNWC) has a tremendously important role to play through the NMETL’d Enterprise-driven Navy. NNWC’s design of force-wide systems should incorporate all the NMETL standards. Just as NMAWC, SWDG, SUBDEVRON and NSAWC assist the Type Commanders with NMETLs for the units they own, NAVNETWARCOM will have the perspective to integrate and improve standards, articulate clearer network design requirements, and formulate future ideas to improve our knowledge management, command and control, and maritime domain awareness systems. Moreover, as the Intelligence/CYBER Type Commander, NNWC must become an even more engaged player in Fleet training. ASN/RDA CHENG and SPAWAR’s aligning Net Ready Key Performance Parameters (NR KPP) efforts will help.

Numbered Fleet Commanders and TYPE COMMANDERS. As “Coordinating Review Authorities” (CRAs) for NMETLS and NWTS products as well as primary members of the Fleet Training Board of Directors (FTBOD), their advocacy and support for the process will propel us to stay focused on mission and drive for excellence in mission accomplishment. The newly formed “CLASSRONs” should develop into major contributors to the NMETL and NWTS process.

NWDC and SEA TRIAL/ CONOPS/ Doctrine, Lessons Learned, Analysis, and Experimentation. CONOPS and NMETLs should work hand-in-hand to describe mission objectives. Where CONOPS exist, commanders employ them in the mission analysis to NMETL process. When CONOPS are being developed, the mission analysis to NMETL process can lay the foundation for clear articulation of capabilities to support mission accomplishment. Employing NMETL formats, SEA TRIAL events can target certain NMETs for specific organizations. Doctrinal publications and the UNTL should be synchronized to work in concert to define Naval mission tasks and associated NMETLs throughout the level of command. Concept Development Experiments and TAC D&E projects should focus on the mission task (or task set (capability)) which the new “system” can do better than the current one. It either meets the standard at lower cost or can meet a higher standard for a similar cost. Force experimentation can be rolled into NWTS training events so that when the new system or TTP is employed for the first time, we have laid out paths for success into the participating Units’ Training Plans. We can avoid many of the common lessons learned inputs from operations, training events and experiments: not enough planning; not allotting adequate time to prepare the people and the system to perform properly; and not practicing with the new method, either in situ or on a simulator, before employing it in a live event.


Warfare Centers of Excellence (WCOEs), Fleet Collaborative Teams and OAGs. WCOEs should assist CRAs in establishing performance standards. Ensure every seminar, working group, conference, process action team, fleet collaborative team, and concept development effort employs the NMETL as the foundation to build future DOTMLPF-P systems to enhance mission performance. USFF established Fleet Collaborative Teams (FCTs) to focus on specific Sea Power 21 Mission Capability Packages. The FCTs should be employing NMETLs and the NWTS to synchronize their efforts as they work through the assortment of issues including warfighting capability assessments, lessons learned, validation of formal requirements documents, and science and technology investment strategy.

Fleet Trainers. With clear NMETLs, Fleet Trainers‑ either as COMSTRKFORTRAPAC/ LANT, TACTRAGRUs or EWTGs PAC/LANT, or as schoolhouse Sea Warrior providers- have direct targets at which to shoot. Moreover, since the Navy-wide improvement process is focused on the NMETL, any time the requirement changed, all systems (DOTMLPF-P) could adjust to continue to meet the requirement for providing ready Naval forces for joint assignment. Since much of our training should focus on improved performance and proficiency, not just qualification, clear standards and records of individual organization performance against those standards should help drive continuous improvement.

Task Force ASW and Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command (NMAWC). As the lead for Mine Warfare and ASW improvement, NMAWC could develop standardized METLs across ASW and Mine Warfare organizations including current operational elements which are not yet included in NMETLs: Navy Oceanographic Processing Facilities (NOPF), Fleet Maritime Patrol Mobile Operations Command Center (FMPMOCC). MOMAGS and METOC organizations just completed NMETLS in Summer 2009. NMAWC can assist commands with ASW and Mine Warfare responsibilities at every level in NMETL/ JMETL development from tactical through strategic. Using the Assessment Phase, they can analyze aggregated event results, identify priorities for improvement and propose common solutions to the ASW and Mine Warfare problem.

NSAWC, SUBDEVRON 12 and SWDG. As the MCP team leaders for air warfare, submarine, and surface ship tactical improvement, all of NSAWC, SUBDEVRON, and SWDG initiatives could be folded into the specific NMETs they support. Assessment Phase products could identify ideas to improve task performance and analyze alternative solutions based on the Measures required for MET success. Moreover, SWDG, SUBDEVRON and NSAWC could assist in aligning standards between different organizations. And with standards aligned, systems designers could ensure perfect interoperability (net-ready) among information, surveillance, communication, and weapons systems.

COMOPTEVFOR. The NWTS can incorporate Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force (COMOPTEVFOR) programs, Modeling and Simulation, Experimentation, and other Advanced Concept Tests and Demonstrations. As the Navy’s independent operational test agency, COMOPTEVFOR efforts could ensure that the Task for which the new system/TTP/method was designed, ‑ actually gets done better, cheaper, and faster. Moreover, OPTEVFOR system test engineers might be able to identify other mission tasks which the new system can perform with equal or superior results. Using the NMETLs construct, the system the builders and developers present to COMOPTEVFOR to test would have to meet or exceed the NMETL standards. Either the task performance exceeds the standard or the new system can perform to task standards in a much more challenging set of conditions.

INSURV and Inspector General (IG). Since we all are operating to clearly defined tasks and standards, INSURV and the IG would be able to assess every unit’s capability against its NMETL standards. NMETL alignment from top-down mission requirements to a Naval capability‑ ship/ aircraft/ submarine/unit‑ will result in clear performance standards throughout the life cycle of organizations, platforms, systems, and equipment: from design to build to test to certify to operate to inspect.

CNA, NWAD and other Analysis centers of excellence. With a standard format for expressing mission requirements, CNA, NWAD and other analysis centers can help shape the right ways to express tasks from the strategic down to the tactical level of war. Additionally, advocacy for METL employment could result in more valuable integration of their processes and other proven business practices into Fleet operations, training and maintenance.


Naval War College, Navy Postgraduate School including the Executive Center for Education. All should review their curricula against UJTL task SN 7.4.3 Conduct Professional Education and Training, which includes ensuring all comprehend the foundation and intent of the UJTL!

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